martes, 28 de abril de 2009


Tday I presented my presentation ! It was great ! At the first time i was so nervous that i cuoldnt breath ! Well .. IT WAS A GRAET CLASS .... also after my presentation Sebastian Busrgos Sebastian Barberis and Lucas Hartman presented YouTube. I think they could do it better , but was very good !TODAY WAS A GRAET CLASS !

martes, 21 de abril de 2009


Todoy there were some groups that present their POWRPOINTS, for example skype, p2p, yahoo mesenger,etc.Their information was very good. When they all finished i was very nervous because then it was my turn but me and my partner will do it next class !

martes, 14 de abril de 2009


Today we REALLY finish the presentation.Podcast is a very interesting WEBSITE ! You should visit it. I HAD A LOT OF FUN TODAY !

martes, 7 de abril de 2009

Today me and my partner finished the powerpoint about podcast ! it is very beautiful . Now we nedd to put the effects and we are finished ! I HAD A GRAET TIME